Ending Season 0 of my West Marches game
I have run a West Marches game for 9 months now, and i'm about to end my trial run and take a few months off to rework things and get everytihng in a "final" state. We have been playing lotfp with a slightly wonky mix of OSE and other random mechanics tacked on, like Jeff Rients' random advancement tables as class feats you pick up at level 2 and then every 3 levels after that. I was thinking of taking a break and retooling some things for a while, and then the players are on a collision course with some witches (The Coven of the Cold Moon: humanoid goat-witches trying to break the seals and reopen the gate for Dolmenwood's Cold Prince) so i figured the big showdown there would be an excellent place to let things hang for a while. So while I take a break from that I will be using this blog to detail the campaign so far, how I set it up, what different problems I've encountered and what tweaks I will make in hopes of creating a more streamlined a